Sunday, April 19, 2009

Men and Cars

Every workday morning, I watch husbands, who share a car with their wives, pull up to the plant gate, get out of the car, and their wives move from the passenger seat to the driver seat. In the evening, when the wives pull up, they move to the passenger seat to allow the husbands to drive.

The first time that I've ever seen the seat switching, it took quite a bit of self-control to restrain my impulse to shout at these husbands, "Hey, guys! Is being a passenger, while your wife drives, really that intolerable?"

However, I've watched this absurd ritual play out so many times that, now, I no longer notice it as an oddity.

This past Saturday, however, I watch a husband take it to a whole new level.

My brother and I were dining at one of our favorite restaurants and we given a table by the window. As we sat down, we watch a wife push her wheelchair-bound husband to their car.

Yes, that's right... The husband got into the driver seat of the car and the wife got into passenger seat after she put away the wheelchair.

So, it's ok for the wife to push the husband in his wheelchair but not ok for her to drive the car?