Wednesday, August 8, 2007

And I thought I've seen it all...

Although I live in downtown Baltimore, I don't take the downtown Baltimore exit when I drive home on I95. The traffic on that exit ramp is too unbearable. So I take prior exit, Washington Boulevard.

Washington Boulevard is also the exit the truckers take. Because of the trucker traffic, Washington Boulevard is also the road in which prostitutes thumb for johns.

These days, I'm so used to the scantly clad women on Washington Boulevard that I'm now anesthetized to their presence, barely noticing any of them except to avoid one when she runs across the street as a trucker screeches to a halt to pick her up.

However, today, I saw a site that nearly caused me to drive off the road.

On the side of the road was a wrinkled old grey hair woman with tight jeans, three inch heels and see-through blouse thumbing for a john.

This woman looks like someone's grandmother. Heck, with the high teenage pregnancy rate in that neighborhood, this woman could be someone's great grandmother.

For the first time in a very long time, I was so shocked that I was completely speechless.

Four blocks down the road, a thought finally popped into my head.

If someone actually picks her up, those two would undoubtedly be the two most desperate people in Baltimore.

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